Reviver is a premium responsive multipurpose VirtueMart theme which perfectly fits for any e-commerce website
All Features:
- Multipurpose design;
- Responsive layout;
- Cross-browser compatibility;
- Based on Bootstrap & LESS;
- T3 Framework for Joomla
- Joomla! 2.5.x compatible;
- VirtueMart version 2.0.24;
- Easy theme installation;
- ThemeMagic;
- SEO ready;
- 7 different main page layouts;
- Boxed and Wide Layouts
- 2 different Category page layouts;
- 2 different Product page layouts;
- 3 different sliders;
- Revolution slider – save $25;
- Unlimited colors;
- Mega menu;
- Smart search – save $20;
- Multi-language support;
- Real multi currency support;
- Wishlist – save 36 €;
- Product comparison;
- Switch on/off floating header option;
- Banner manager;
- Possibility to adjust the layout for mobile devices via admin panel;
- Touch enabled option for product sliders;
- Ajax drop-down shopping cart;
- Ajax price filter;
- List and grid view;
- Quick products view on category pages;
- Custom tabs on product page;
- Prev/Next item navigation;
- Customizable product images;
- Multiple Image Upload Plugin – Save $52.99
- “Sale” , “Hot” and “Limited Offer” labels;
- Product image zoom and Fancybox lightbox available;
- Share icons on a product page;
- “Recently Viewed Products” block;
- Products review & rating;
- Product tags – save 21 €;
- Countdown for products – save $35;
- Youtube video plugin for product page – save $24;
- Anti-spam captcha;
- Newsletter subscibe;
- “Join us on Facebook” plugin;
- Twitter plugin;
- Blog page;
- Attractive hover effects and tooltips;
- Google web fonts;
- Iconic fonts;
- 9 PSD files included;
- Extended documentation;
- Support & free updates.
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