Flamingo : Agency & Freelance Portfolio Wordpress Theme

Agency & Freelance Portfolio Wordpress Theme

Agency & Freelance Portfolio Wordpress Theme

Agency & Freelance Portfolio Wordpress Theme

Flamingo is a complete portfolio for creative agencies and freelances. Graphic designers, illustrators, photographers or any kind creative is now able to create a quick & easy portfolio to showcase their work with a elegant touch.
Fully responsive, font-awesome icons retina ready… You can implement features like parallax or some other trends with a single click.


Responsive, of course
Three different navigations
Three different content layouts. The site can display the angled look and feel (“Angled layout”), other more standard we called “Straight layout” and one more minimalistic we called “Minimal layout”. Select the one you like more, click a button and enjoy.
Premium page builder included ($25 value)
Custom animations. Each block element within your layout can be animated with “Top to bottom”, “Bottom to top”, “Left to right”, “Right to left” or “Appear from center”.
Isotope & masonry layouts
Infinite scroll
Cool filtering method for your project items
Custom galleries for showing your works
Four different galleries
Fullscreen, prevent upscale and “let the user choose” different modes for your galleries
Related works with a cool display. Take a look here (rollover the rhombus).
Custom fullscreen backgrounds for each project and section
Google fonts. More than 150 fonts available.
Hover info on thumbs
You can modify the hover properties directly from the option panel. Select the background color, the font color, use a gradient or use a custom background image for your thumb´s hovers. This feature is really cool and easy to use.
Change the thumbs size directly from the option panel
Select the columns number choosing from 1 to 6 columns.
You can adjust the transparency for the thumbs using a simple slider within the panel too
Adjust the sizes for your text, fonts, color. Combinations are unlimited.
Localization ready
WPML support
Semantic HTML5 structure & Degrades Gracefully
iOS/Mobile Ready
Touch gestures and keyboard support for sliders and galleries

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